Your translation ready in 3 steps Because translation can be simpler and more affordable without sacrificing quality.

Step 1

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Upload your document

Step 2

Follow the translation LIVE

Step 3

Receive your translation

Translation technology

Translation memory


Live analysis

Which file formats are supported by Fairlingo?

You always receive the translated file in the same file format you uploaded.


XML export files created by WordPress can be uploaded directly to our system.


TXT files are documents with plain text formatting that can be opened by all conventional word processors.

.DOCX (Word)

DOCX is by far the most common extension for word processors like Microsoft Word.


CSV and XLS files can be translated by Fairlingo while maintaining the same layout. Great for translating files you want to reimport afterwards.


PO files are used by content management systems to recognize translations.

Fairlingo can deliver 1,250 words per day per assignment, 7 days a week. No start-up time and no minimum rate.

Payment methods and translation credit

You can start a translation by accepting and paying a quote. If you have more texts to translate and you do not want to receive a separate invoice for every text, you can simply purchase translation credit from your account. This allows you to start several translation projects with a single payment and one invoice. You will always receive an invoice by email for every transaction to Fairlingo.